Kaut arī lasīšana angļu valodā būs liels jo liels izaicinājums, tomēr apņemos nopirkt šo grāmatu un noteiki to izlasīt. Kā teica mana angļu valodas skolotāja - lasīt var arī gadu vai ilgāk..... Šo grāmatu man ieteica draudzene no Slovēnijas un šķiet, ka tā būs man pa spēkam. :) Tikai šobrīd izskatās, ka būs jāpērk internetā un vēl jāgaida, kamēr tā pie manis atceļos, jo mūsu portālā i-book.lv nevarēju atrast. Nez cik ilgi ceļo interneta grāmatas pie saviem lasītājiem??? Degu nepacietībā sākt lasīt....
The Hidden Europe hardcover book
The Hidden Europe hardcover book
For many Westerners, Eastern Europe is about as appealing as a deodorant-free French armpit. That didn't scare Francis Tapon because not only did he learn how to rough it by walking across America four times, but he is also half French, so he kind of smells too.
Francis spent nearly 3 years traveling and backpacking in 25 Eastern European countries. It started with a 5-month trip in 2004. He returned in 2008 to spend 3 years exploring all the countries again. The Hidden Europe is Book Two of the WanderLearn Series.
There are 25 chapters (one for each country). Each chapter:
- Examines an Eastern European country's history, food, language, sites, stereotypes, and drinking habits.
- Covers Francis Tapon's personal adventures in that country.
- Ends with a short summary of what practical things you can learn from that country.